Why Choose The Leads Warehouse?
Quality: Unmatched Engagement
Our average 42-minute billable call duration attests to our exceptional level of consumer engagement.
High Intent: A Step Beyond Clicks
Our Medicare transfers come from consumers who go beyond merely clicking a banner; they navigate through multiple verification pages, making sure of high intent.
Scalability: Sky’s the Limit
Thanks to our aggressive marketing plans, achieving 1,000 billable Medicare inbound calls daily is within your reach.
How It Works:
- Consumer Engagement: Videos on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook engage the audience.
- Quality Assurance: A landing page with multiple verification questions to ensure lead quality.
- Initiating Call: Links for Medicare web calls provided post-verification.
Answering Tactics: Professionalism and Compliance
Our clients use a professional and compliant script, offering an optimal consumer experience.
“Thank you for calling ABC Medicare. May I ask if you currently have Medicare Part A and Part B?”
Our team is fully prepared to help with questions about flex cards, medication cards, and SS refund programs.
Order Specifications:
- Initial Order: Minimum 100 calls, direct from the publisher
- Subsequent Orders: Minimum 200 calls, direct from the publisher
We are approved for 2023 SMIDs, and submissions for 2024 SMIDs are already underway.
Aged Lead Script:
Lose a lead? Our specialized aged lead script is designed to win them back.
Compliance is Key:
Our inbound Medicare web call leads and Medicare transfers are fully compliant, ensuring you follow the rules.
Additional Resources:
Elevate your insurance business to the next level by partnering with TheLeadsWarehouse for Medicare inbound calls.