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Mortgage Leads - Stand Alone Form Fill Approach

Mortgage – Stand Alone Form Fill Approach

Even when interest rates are low and lenders are approving subprime loans like it’s 2005, real-time Mortgage leads only close at 15%….often it’s even lower. This means 85%+ of these people still haven’t been helped!  Homeowners are a hot commodity as they likely have more savings/cash on hand for other salespeople targeting them like the gardener, pool man, remodeling contractors, solar salesmen, and the weird guy selling steaks out of a cooler.

There are many reasons the consumer did not go through with a refinance: the first rep may have been a single lender with too high of a rate, maybe they were too pushy after his 10th cup of espresso, or they were out of the cusp of approval because of poor credit.

That’s why a quality control/service-focused approach works. When investigating a consumer’s previous experience first, your staff can get to the real reason they didn’t buy within the first minute of the call. You can quickly pivot from a random salesperson to a trusted/caring advisor.

Step 1: Establish A Quality Control Call

Make this a quality control call – Not a sales call. Embrace the part of “Quality Control ” with a smile and voice inflection – high-pitched like you’re the creepy guy from Family Guy.! If the consumer attempts to hang up – be sure to establish there’s no pressure and that you’re just trying to help.

“Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening is this (NAME)? Hey NAME this is (REP) in the quality control department of (Mortgage Lending For You) …..It looks like you spoke to someone a while back about refinancing your home…..I didn’t see that you were working with us yet .and I just wanted to see what might’ve gone wrong and that you got all the correct information – I may be able to get you a better rate and lower payment, do you have a few minutes?

“What is this about?” – “Who are you?” – “Did I speak with you? Are you in a call center in Pakistan trying to scam me?”

“I’m not trying to sell you anything…it looks like you spoke to SOMEONE about a Refinancebut I JUST want to make sure you got the best rate and payment available. Can you tell me what happened? 

Step 2: Interview for Information

Get the mortgage lead to talk about what happened. Was the previous sales rep able to answer all of their questions? Was he knowledgeable? Why did they want a refinance in the first place?

If the response is “Did not accomplish”

“I’m glad I called you – in the quality control department I have access to additional lenderswould you have interest in lowering your mortgage payment + rate?”


If the response is “Accomplished” 

“I’m happy to hear that. But what’s your current mortgage rate? I just want to make sure you have the best possible lender. We work with multiple banks that will fight for your business!”


Suggested Dialer Systems for Automation: 

Sample Mortgage Leads texting Script:

This is for information only. We are not legal representatives. Please check with your legal counsel to ensure texting fits into your overall marketing plan. 

Suggested Systems for Automation: 

“Hi is this <name>?”

Yes, who is this? 

“This is John, I was reaching out to some older inquiries of people asking for lower mortgage payments. I know it’s annoying when people call 🙂

“Do you have a few minutes for a benefit analysis?”

  • Response

Send a digital business card, “This is me”

(Get them talking) – What carrier do you have now, are you feeling like the cost is too much Also, do you have dental + vision coverage?? 

By : Paul Young

Finance Icon

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