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Medicare Inbound Call Leads

Transform Your Insurance Business With Medicare Inbound Calls

Forget generic Medicare leads; we provide focused and serious medicare leads, sourced directly by consumers, Medicare inbound calls that are highly targeted at consumer needs. These are not mere numbers but golden opportunities for insurance agents, brokers, and healthcare providers to connect with truly interested Medicare inbound callers. Our Medicare inbound call leadss are invaluable for effectively and efficiently targeting the right market.

Three Types of Medicare:

  • Medicare Part A: Covers hospital stays and some home healthcare.
  • Medicare Part B: Doctor visits and outpatient services.
  • Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage): A privately offered alternative to traditional Medicare, often including extra benefits.

Get in touch with us today for high quality leads.

Who Uses Medicare the Most?

Individuals over 65, as well as certain disabled people, primarily benefit from Medicare. With a growing senior demographic, excellent Medicare inbound calls are more important than ever for insurance agents and brokers.

Full Stand-alone Form-fill Lead:

  • No Clickbait, Co-reg, or Incent: Pure, undiluted lead generation
  • Traffic Source: Paid search and remarketing via email

Quality & Intent:

  • Contact Ratio: Up to 30% on first call
  • High Intent: Full-form internet leads with 10+ fields of information
  • Medicare Page: This is not a survey or clickbait site but a dedicated Medicare page

Pricing & Availability:

  • Pricing: Flexible, adjustable to meet metric targets post-test
  • Scalable: Up to 150,000 leads available per month

Intriguing Stats You Should Know:

  • 30-44% of calls should pass buffer
  • The 12-minute average on raw calls
  • 42-minute average on billable calls
  • $250-$400 CPA outside open enrollment
  • $80-$150 CPA inside open enrollment
  • $250 CPA when books are closed at EOY
QUESTIONS? CALL US: 800-884-8371

Why Choose The Leads Warehouse?

Quality: Unmatched Engagement

Our average 42-minute billable call duration attests to our exceptional level of consumer engagement.

High Intent: A Step Beyond Clicks

Our Medicare transfers come from consumers who go beyond merely clicking a banner; they navigate through multiple verification pages, making sure of high intent.

Scalability: Sky’s the Limit

Thanks to our aggressive marketing plans, achieving 1,000 billable Medicare inbound calls daily is within your reach.

How It Works:

  1. Consumer Engagement: Videos on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook engage the audience.
  2. Quality Assurance: A landing page with multiple verification questions to ensure lead quality.
  3. Initiating Call: Links for Medicare web calls provided post-verification.

Answering Tactics: Professionalism and Compliance

Our clients use a professional and compliant script, offering an optimal consumer experience.

“Thank you for calling ABC Medicare. May I ask if you currently have Medicare Part A and Part B?”

Our team is fully prepared to help with questions about flex cards, medication cards, and SS refund programs.

Order Specifications:

  • Initial Order: Minimum 100 calls, direct from the publisher
  • Subsequent Orders: Minimum 200 calls, direct from the publisher

We are approved for 2023 SMIDs, and submissions for 2024 SMIDs are already underway.

Aged Lead Script:

Lose a lead? Our specialized aged lead script is designed to win them back.

Compliance is Key:

Our inbound Medicare web call leads and Medicare transfers are fully compliant, ensuring you follow the rules.

Additional Resources:

Elevate your insurance business to the next level by partnering with TheLeadsWarehouse for Medicare inbound calls.

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